Medical Abortion Clinic Standerton

Medical Abortion Clinic Standerton

Medical Abortion Clinic Standerton (0769909369) At Hope Woman’s Clinic, we have several years of experience in medical and surgical pregnancies termination medical abortion this procedure is the safest and easy way to end the pregnancy, you can use the pills in our clinic or at your home with instructions. Our doctors and nurses are always ready to help you pass through this stressful time, you just put the pills under your tongue for about 30 minutes and inset another pill inside the vargina in 2 to 4 hours everything will be out tomorrow you start drinking the womb cleaning pills, call us to ask questions. +27769909369 or 0833706521

Surgical Abortion Clinic Standerton

Surgical Abortion Clinic Standerton

Surgical Abortion Clinic Standerton (0769909369) we have different surgical abortion methods depending on how long your pregnancy is we do it the same day in the main clinic in Standerton Mpumalanga the procedure is known as manual vacuum aspiration. The cervix is then gently stretched using dilators and the contents of the uterus are removed it takes 30 minutes and is done by a professional doctor or nurse, we are trained in women’s health crisis intervention and counselors we are smart to answer your questions and discuss issues determining your decision and make sure privacy is completely guarded. We also proved free womb cleaning pills call us to ask questions. +27769909369 or 0833706521


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